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Genetic control of the transcriptomic response of monocytes to bacterial and viral stimuli assessed by RNA-seq in Africans and Europeans

Humans differ in the outcome that follows exposure to life-threatening pathogens, yet the extent of population differences in immune responses, and their genetic and evolutionary determinants, remain undefined. Here, we characterized, using RNA-sequencing, the transcriptional response of primary monocytes from Africans and Europeans to bacterial and viral stimuli - ligands activating Toll-like receptors pathways (TLR1/2, TLR4 and TLR7/8) and influenza virus - and mapped expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL). We identify multiple cis- and trans-eQTL that contribute to the marked differences in immune responses detected within and between populations, including a TLR1 master regulator that decreases expression of pro-inflammatory genes in Europeans only. We show that regulatory variants have been privileged targets of natural selection, uncovering evolutionarily advantageous mechanisms, such as attenuated inflammation. Finally, we demonstrate that admixture with Neandertals introduced regulatory variants into European genomes, affecting preferentially responses to viral challenges, and identify archaic haplotypes that contributed to population genetic adaptation.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001002714 Illumina HiSeq 2000 970
EGAD00010001131 Illumina HumanOmni5-Quad and exome sequencing 200
Publications Citations
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